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Litigation Support, Consultants & Advisors

Litigation Support in Omaha, NE
Aaron Pryor has provided valuation and consulting services since 2005. He provides valuations for employee stock ownership plans and helps ESOP companies with transactional issues. Mr. Pryor maintains the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) and Accredited Senior Appraiser (ASA) creden...
Litigation Support in West Hartford, CT
Rich Glassman’s is a founding member of ESOP Plus® a law practice with a focus on ESOP planning, with more than 3 decades of experience as general counsel and senior manager with publicly-traded and closely-held companies. Rich Glassman was Pre...
Litigation Support in Des Moines, IA
Lindy specializes in valuation and consulting for ESOP companies and those exploring employee ownership. Her expertise in ESOP valuation combines technical excellence with a personable approach, providing resources to ESOP companies at any stage. Lindy’s background includes over 30 years...
Litigation Support in Kissimmee, FL
Chris Best has provided business valuation services to privately held businesses since 1987. He is a leading authority on the valuation of businesses that sponsor employee stock ownership plans and the review of ESOP valuation reports for credibility and compliance with standards. M...ESOP Marketplace connects you with local Litigation Support
Find The Best ESOP Legal Advice And Litigation Support
Setting up an ESOP presents unique challenges in terms of regulatory compliance and legal liability. Employee stock ownership plans are regulated by complex federal laws, most notably ERISA. In addition to this, given that an ESOP is considered a type of benefit, it also exposes individuals who are trustees, directors, or fiduciaries to fiduciary liability in cases where their decisions impact the beneficiaries negatively, in the eyes of the Department of Labor.
Getting comprehensive legal advice is essential to understanding the risks of litigation that come with planning or administering an ESOP. An expert in the legal, accounting or valuation aspects of ESOPs can help avoid the most common pitfalls and limit your company's exposure to damaging litigation; if the worst happens and you do get sued, an ESOP litigation support expert can help you mitigate the risk to your company's finances. With litigation support from our listed ESOP law experts, you will be in good hands both in the courtroom and in the boardroom.
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