Advisors > Lawyers
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ESOP Marketplace connects you with local Lawyers
Whether you are considering being an ESOP, or are an ESOP, there are times when a business needs a good advisor that they don't already have. Our LAW and other categories represent the best advisors we could find. Our ESOP Advisors have been checked and vetted to assure business owners and their advisors that the person they are looking at is competent, trustworthy and respected in the ESOP Community. There are hundreds of Advisors out there offering ESOP related advice, but we have invited only the few who REALLY do many ESOPs to be placed on this site. As you look at the maps, you will see different colors or levels of pins on the page. Those pins in Blue or Red have financially participated in this website to assure the reader that they are committed to ESOPs, are continually educated themselves to keep up with the ever changing laws and practices, and want you to know they are equally committed to helping you with your ESOP or company issues. The Blue and Red pins also represent they have exposed themselves to the condition of having their references checked and shared with you. The staff at ESOP Marketplace check the references by calling and interviewing them, and then asking them to rate the participant on a scale of 1-5, 5 being the highest rating. Knowing more about an advisor before you select them will help reduce, but not eliminate the risks of hiring a professional ESOP Advisor. Our Advisors and Users agree to our terms and conditions by using our family of websites.
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