All Posts tagged ESOP Consulting

See Chris Best at the NCEO Seminar

Chris Best, our most recent addition to the ESOP Marketplace, will be presenting at the upcoming National Center for Employee Ownership seminar.

The National Center for Employee Ownership (NCEO) is an organization that serves as the leading source of accurate, unbiased information on ESOPs and other compensation plans. The NCEO has done a lot of great work in our field and they’ve helped to move this industry forward. For more information about the NCEO and their contributions to ESOPs you can read our interview with the founder, Corey Rosen.

The title of the seminar Chris Best will be presenting is “Determining Stock Value.” During the presentation, Chris will clarify the process used to value ESOP-owned shares in an S corporation. It’s a presentation that Chris Best is highly qualified to present as the managing director at Acclaro Valuation Advisors. That’s why Chris is the featured ESOP advisor for our business valuation section. If your business needs help with its valuation efforts, you can’t go wrong by enlisting the help of Chris Best.


ESOP Recordkeeping and Consulting

Sue Ledingham has been immersed in the qualified plan recordkeeping and consulting industry, focusing primarily on the unique technical aspects of employee stock ownership plans for over 35 years.

Sue’s depth of knowledge starts with the preliminary feasibility analysis necessary to determine whether an ESOP is the right vehicle for an employer, and carries through the entire life of an ESOP, to plan termination and final distributions.

Sue Ledingham was interviewed for the ESOP Advisor Hall of Fame in June 2012. Read her interview online at
